How to Plant a Strawberry Bush for Deer


What is a strawberry bush for deer, and how do they benefit from it?

Strawberry bush for deer is a type of food plot that provides deer with a nutritious food source. The berries on the bush are high in sugar and calories, which helps to fatten deer during the winter months. Strawberry bushes can also provide cover for deer from predators and inclement weather.

What are some of the different types of strawberry bushes for deer?

The different types of strawberry bushes for deer include:

-Alpine Strawberry: The alpine strawberry is a small, hardy bush that produces sweet berries. It is native to Europe and Asia and has been introduced to North America.

-Everbearing Strawberry: The everbearing strawberry bush produces fruit from early summer until fall. It is a hybrid of the wild European strawberry and the American cultivar ‘Fragaria Virginiana.

-June-bearing Strawberry: The June-bearing strawberry bush produces fruit in late spring or early summer. It is the most common commercial strawberry grown in the United States.

If you are interested in planting a strawberry bush for deer on your property, choosing a variety that suits your climate and soil type is essential. You will also need to provide adequate water and fertilizer for the plants. However, Strawberry bushes are relatively easy to care for and can significantly add to any deer management program.

How to plant a strawberry bush for deer

If you are interested in planting a strawberry bush for deer, here are some tips:

-Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.

-Dig a hole twice the width and depth of the plant’s root ball.

-Carefully remove the plant from its container and loosen the roots.

-Place the plant in the hole and fill it in with soil. Firm the soil around the plant to secure it in place.

-Water deeply immediately after planting. Mulch around the base of the plant to help retain moisture.

Deer will start feeding on strawberry plants as soon as they produce fruit. However, it is essential to note that deer can decimate a strawberry patch if they are not appropriately managed. If you have a large deer population on your property, you may need to fence the area around the strawberry plants to prevent damage.

Strawberry bushes can be a great addition to any deer management program. They provide deer with a nutritious food source and can also offer cover and protection from predators and bad weather.

When choosing a strawberry bush for deer, selecting a variety that suits your climate and soil type is essential. With proper care and management, strawberry bushes can thrive and produce fruit for many years.

Strawberry season is just around the corner! Be sure to plant some strawberries this year so you can enjoy their sweet flavor while also providing a delicious food source for deer.

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